Wazir (U/A)
:- 1 hr. 34 min.
“Wazir” is a movie with different beginning. It takes few obvious sequences in a fast forward mode via a song till it reaches a threshold
I really like the way Farhan Akhtar acted in this film.He has very confident in playing this role yet never gets overconfident.
He is really entertaining to watch, he holds the things in his hands and never let it go.
Movie has an interesting plot yet it never really explores it’s full potential.
It seems stretchy in many ways while sometime it tends to be over emotional drama.
Action sequences are generically shot yet they are realistic and convincing.
Main problem with the movie is it rushes some scenes
and instead of being sophisticated it gets little confusing.
Climax tries to explain a lot of it yet it’s not completely compelling.
Overall, Experience from this film remains mixed and not fully entertaining.Short role by John Abraham doesn’t leave a mark.The way story unfolds in here is good but it takes a long time to do.Short length of the movie also doesn’t seems to be a good idea as appears to be short of content.
:- Above Average
:- 2.5 / 5 Stars