Before We Go Movie Review

“Before We Go” is a romantic comedy drama by actor turned director Chris Evans.This movie is made on a small budget of about $3 million but still it good enough to watch.Ending of the film is also well but probably not fully convincing. However, Rest of the film is nice it gives you a good feel about the madness about the people in the big cities. How most of them are not so nice to each other in the crowded places? “Before We Go” might want to change that a little bit. It’s about two stranger a male and female meets at New York when the girl misses the train to Boston, which she was so desperate to catch.

“Before We Go” mostly revolves around one night and it’s mostly shot in New York at night time.It may not be able to deliver everything it should have had for a movie. I cannot say that this film is extraordinary however this could be some of the good short time-pass films. It may not be able to make your day but will give to some joy that may last for a little time. Background music of the film is interest to listen to. Chris Evans did a really good job as an actor in the film.

This might not be the first movie which is just about one night. But eventually it’s better than most of the movies of such kind. It does does a much better job in entertaining you.


:- Good


:- 3/ 5 Stars

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